Data Aggregation

Get the informative data that you need automatically

Data driven companies will have an advantage over their competition

Informed decisions start with statistics.

Compile the data you need and get the stastics to make informative decisions. This is called data aggregation. There are a couple dozen companies that do this as their main offering and charge an arm and a leg for non personalized data that you will just have to spend time crunching & manipulating. Comb and scrape the “internet of things” automatically, and get notifications or send events based on findings and different occurrences. Build lists for sales or marketing teams, and make the rather mundane and time consuming tasks automatic. Aggregate information from your own software tools for repurposing elsewhere in your organization using Actioneer middleware combined with data aggregation. Display system options to client facing or private users.

The sky is the limit when organizations put data aggregation to work for their purposes. The hardest part is getting your data sources to work for you. And that’s what Actioneer does.

Word around town.
Actioneer's vision, energy, commitment and expertise were instrumental in the launch of our new system.
Marcus Morisette Cheif Privacy Officer - Ebay
Actioneer's programming chops are always sharp and their range is superhero level.
Paul Hernandez CEO - GimmeTheBall Creative
Actioneer drives for the best results. They see and address everything from the big picture to the details.
Rick Mundon Executive - Tricor Braun
You make everything work! You are truly passionate about creative and innovative solutions.
Doug Harvey President - OC Technologies
Dave and his team are unreal. For years now, I have literally been able to dream up ways to make my company and my team operate more efficiently and they have created it.
Dan Berzansky President - Premier Aquatics