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Custom Workflow CRM

Beautiful Lead Management.

Being the leader in the California Traffic Ticket Dismissal industry comes with a great deal of responsibility. TicketSnipers manages around 14-15k leads annually (not to mention their actual paying users). Ticket Snipers found that staying up to date on their day to day workflow was becoming daunting. TicketSnipers asked Actioneer to build a Lead Management System into their team workflow. They had been trying to use spreadsheets and didn’t want to commit to using an expensive CRM. Actioneer built a multi funneled lead aggregator and accountability system that allowed TicketSnipers to assign leads to team members, track activity, & track accountability amongst their on-boarding customer service team. It also gave them actionable steps for each team member. The system Actioneer built cut down on workflow minutiae and allowed Ticket Snipers to focus on the tasks that actually matter. Getting California Traffic Tickets dismissed.

manage leads elegantly

Lead Flow

Lead Intake.

All leads streamed to 1 central location for processing.

Bulk Lead Assignment.

Ability to apply batches of leads to personel in the office at any given time.

Specific Lead Assignment.

Ability to assign a specific lead to personel from within lead detail panel.

ts assign specific lead

Bulk Priority Setting.

Ability to change the priorities for a large number of leads instantaneously.

Specific Priority Setting.

Ability to change lead priority based on information received.

Lead Details in a Snapshot.

View all lead interactions, changes, and up-to-date data from a quick fly-out snapshot.

Logging Lead Interactions.

Ability to log all lead interactions in a simple and understandable way.

Viewing Interaction History

Never wonder who did what and when they did it. That’s all taken care of.

lead interaction history

Intuitively Nurture Leads With One Click.

Send the Lead to a Nurture Funnel that aligns with their circumstance.

ts nurture leads funnel


  • Web
  • Mailchimp API
  • Mandrill API


  • System & Data Planning
  • UI / UX Design
  • Web Development
  • Training


  • Staff Authenticated Web Portal